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the artist, the performers, the audience


Live art is created and experienced by a diverse group of individuals, including the artist, the performers, and the audience. Each of these groups plays a crucial role in the creation and reception of live art.

The artist is responsible for creating the work, using a range of techniques and materials to bring their vision to life. They may work with collaborators, such as performers, technicians, and designers, to bring their ideas to fruition.

Performers are the individuals who bring the live art to life, often using their bodies, voices, and movements to create the work. They may be professional actors, dancers, or other performers, or they may be amateur or community performers.

The audience is the final component of the live art experience, and they play a crucial role in shaping the reception and interpretation of the work. They may enter into a state of heightened awareness and engagement, paying close attention to the performer’s movements, gestures, and words. They may also be invited to participate in the performance, either actively or passively, through interactive elements or by contributing their own thoughts and feelings.

Overall, the creation and experience of live art involves a dynamic and collaborative process involving the artist, the performers, and the audience. By understanding the role of each of these groups in the creation and reception of live art, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the power and significance of this art form.


  • “Performance: Live Art in Context” by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
  • “Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present Day” by Catherine Wood
  • “The Art of Performance: From the Margins to the Mainstream” by Lizzie Thomson  
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